Testing with Hydrogen
Hydrogen is a versatile element that is playing an increasingly important role in various industries and applications. From energy generation to e-mobility, hydrogen has the potential to tackle numerous challenges in the field of sustainable development.
Unique seal-less concept
PATENTED Hydrogen-Test chamBer
Thanks to our innovative, seal-less pressure chamber, tests can now be carried out more efficiently and accurately. Temperatures from -60 to 900 C° and test frequencies of up to 200 Hz at up to 1,000 bar can now be realized at SincoTec.
Without the use of moving seals, the pressure chamber offers various advantages:
- No friction: no stochastic frictional forces, thus no interference signal and therefore precise force or
strain control. - No wear or leaks (micro-movement at the seal) and therefore no retooling times and lower costs. This makes the tests more efficient and reliable.
- No compensation force resulting from pressure and piston area needed.
- High test frequencies: This means that fatigue strength tests can also be carried out cost-effectively with statistical validation.
- Combination with the SincoTec POWER SWING, which is known for its energy efficiency and high
test frequencies. If necessary, slower tests with servohydraulics are also possible.
SINCOTEC Hydrogen-Test Laboratory Equipment
- Capacity: 4 test containers with fully equipped test equipment
- Pressure: Up to 1,000 bar pure Hydrogen
- Temperature: -60 °C up to 900 °C
- Infrastructure: Hydraulics, electricity, compressed
air, communication - Test frequencies: Up to 200 Hz
- Extensive measuring equipment
- Safety approved
- Certification: EX approval
Tests with axial load
Hydrogen-Tests at ambient temperature
- Medium: Hydrogen or Hydrogen Mixture (e.g. with argon)
- Pressure: Ambient pressure
- Temperature: Ambient temperature
- Test parts: Parts of compressors or internal combustion engines, e.g. valve seats, springs
Fracture mechanics tests for Hydrogen-Pipes up to 200 bar or Hydrogen-Tank materials up to 1,000 bar
- Pressure: Up to 200 bar; up to 1,000 bar
- Temperature: Ambient temperature
- Test frequency: Quasi-static and up to 200 Hz
- Measurement technology: Force, strain, extensometer, frequency
- Evaluation: Crack propagation; service life
- Test standards: E.g: ASTM E647 / ASTM E399; e.g: DIN 50100
- Actuator: Servohydraulic; resonance
- Test parts: Pipes; pressure tanks
Fatigue test with temperature for Hydrogen-Internal combustion engines
- Pressure: 50 bar
- Temperature: up to 900 °C (inductive)
- Test frequency: Quasi-static and up to 200 Hz
- Measurement technology: Force, strain, temperature (pyrometer)
- Evaluation: Service life
- Test standards: e.g: DIN 50100
- Actuator: Servohydraulic or resonance
- Test parts: Test parts of Hydrogen combustion engines and compressors
Tensile tests in Hydrogen at low temperatures
- Pressure: 1,000 bar
- Temperature: – 60 °C
- Test frequency: Quasi-static (SSRT)
- Measurement technology: Force, strain (e.g. ultrasound, extensometer)
- Evaluation: Material properties (Rm, Rp0.2, E,…) up to 40 % elongation
- Test standards: E.g: ISO 6892
- Actuator: Servohydraulic
- Test parts: Material samples
Tests with 3-point bending or axial load
Hydrogen-Tests under the influence of humidity and temperatures
- Pressure: Max. 100 bar
- Temperature: Up to 150 °C
- Rel. humifity: Approx 5% – 95%
- Test parts: Materials for fuel cells
Futher test applications in development, including:
- Tests for the transportation of liquid H₂ at up to – 253 °C
- Various chambers for testing in a hydrogen atmosphere
- Testing in horizontal and vertical test systems
- Safety test chamber for operational tests with potentially higher risk
- Patent pending test cell
- Testing with resonance and servo-hydraulic test systems
- Various test methods possible: e.g. single-stage tests, block program, crack propagation tests
- Energy-efficient technology to reduce energy costs
- Over 30 years of experience in fatigue strength testing for various industries
- Accredited testing laboratory with more than 160 different testing machines
- Manufacturer of testing systems
- Member of the North German Hydrogen Strategy
Contact Us
We have testing solutions for all manner of components, assemblies, and materials to determine their maximum load capacity, lifetime, and reliability. Contact us below with a summary of your testing needs and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.